Student Projects Showcase
Project #1
This was a team project in which students had to build a website using Aptana Studio to construct a website from scratch using HTML and CSS. The theme of the website is centered around places to visit in Mentor Ohio. Many of these student created sites include Mentor area attractions, parks, and restaurants. Students collaborated on this project by learning to use Git commands in combination with Github to track their site changes amongst team members.
Project #2
This was a team project in which students worked collaboratively to rate their top 10 favorite movies within a variety of different genres. Each member of the team contributed two top ten lists. Each page features the use of Google Fonts for enhanced typefaces, JavaScripted navigation, and embeded YouTube featurettes.
Project #3
This project was to complete a "website makeover" for a local business. This was an individual project that students worked on over the course of two weeks. Students combined HTML5 templates with relavent content to the local company of their choosing to give a website makeover to.