Bleil's Secret Garden


Teleflora Flowers Network

The Mentor Florist You Can Trust


Bleil's Secret Garden is a leading florist in Mentor, offering top quality flower arrangements and gifts for any occsion. The florists provide exceptional customer service, and are determined to designing stunning arrangements. We offer reliable Mentor floral delivery and can provide same-day delivery services. If you need to deleiver across the country, our dependable florist network offers nationwide flower delivery.

Now you can make the right first impression, with the fresh beautiful flowers from Bleil's Secret Garden. Find the perfect floral gift for any holiday or oaccasion. Put you trust in your local Mentor OH florist for the exceptional bouquets to fit any budget and moment.

Pick out the perfect flowers on our website and conveniently order online or over the phone. Our florists will expertly arrange your bouquet of fresh flowers and can even create a custom gift basket for our special occasion. When you choose Bleil's Secret Garden, your trusted Mentor florist, your gifts are sure to please.